Here at , you will find anything you want to know about Nostradamus and his predictions. I have compiled over 150 pages of research about his predictions from anywhere i could find. I think this is the most complete website about Nostradamus ever existed, not only i have put the interpretation of his quatrains, i also made a few sections where you can find all the original quatrains so that you could interpret it by yourself too. (Part 5 to Final). If you are interested in Nostradamus predictions, you have to read them, its that good.
Some of predictions are scary, but i hope the part about his prediction regarding World War 3 will not come true. I really hope so, thats why i made this website so you could learn all his quatrains too and be prepared if anything bad could happen within our lifetime. Nostradamus is extremely accurate about his predictions, many other important events in the past were accurately predicted, he even predicted the time of his death, its really amazing. He also predicts there would be asteroids coming to our earth that will kill millions of people. And New York will have a worse disaster than 9/11, this time it is related to water poisoning, or bad effect from bomb attack maybe. I am not psychic so i dont know what will it be for sure. Please read about it. There are also many interesting predictions in his quatrains and it extends to thousand years to come. I am sure the predictions will blow your mind
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